I love sales and specials and coupons and everything that allows me to save. Therefore sites like
Groupon, Living Social and everything in between are perfect for me. I truly believe in the idea that if I get to try something and its good enough, I will go back and therefore their advertising tactic works.
I love restaurants, food, cooking and therefore our most often bought goods are for restaurants. I have been to more new restaurants in the past year than in my entire life, at least the first 20 years. I think it's important to know what a restaurant is like before you go, why not tell you about my experience just in case you're in the area and want to try it. I'll provide you with my experience and a picture and maybe just maybe you'll decide to take the risk.
Just remember I live in the great city of Los Angeles and I go to near by cities no further than 100 miles.
I recently went to a restaurant called 'Lucifer's' on Melrose & La Brea. Now if you live in LA you know how many good places there are to eat around that corner alone and I go to a few of them. However Lucifer's is now at the top places to recommend for a well 'Damned Good Pizza' as they say.
For the past couple of months I had been craving a really good pizza and lets be honest one of the chain places just wasn't cutting it. I had had Little Ceaser's, Papa Johns, Pizza Hot, and even my favorite Costco and none of them were fulfilling my craving. Well my wife saw this special for this place and it was like half off for a large pizza and salads, which immediately sparked my interest so why not, I have nothing to lose, ultimately you do get to eat.

We get there and its busy, all the tables except for two are taken up and we figure that's a good sign right. As we're looking around we realize we have probably sold part of our soul because the theme is well you guessed it Lucifer inspired. No matter, I figure I pray enough to be safe for now as long as I don't prick my finger and sign anything with blood I should be fine. then we look at the types of pizzas and they all start calling my name: Meat Lover's, Three Little Pigs, Veggie Supreme, Quattro Formagio and a few others. Then they have different chili ratings, Zero, Medium, Fiery and Blazing. They have three different salads: Greek, Tossed and Ceasar. Drinks are awesome they're in a little Coca Cola fridge on the side and a few are in glass bottles which are my favorite.

Well we went with the Meat Lover's, chilli was fiery, the Greek and Ceasar Salad, a Coca Cola and a Dr. Pepper. It was exactly what I had been looking for, it had plenty of meat and it was just spicy enough to where it didn't need the red chilli Pepper Flakes. I'm a firm believer in adding parmesan as well and it didn't need it. I mean it was just toasted enough and it wasn't overly thick or saucy and no flavor overpowered the other. It was everything I could have dreamed of. I wasn't there for the salads but they were just as good as the pizza.

Then there was the service and that just helped to further them up the list. They were polite and helpful. The food was brought to our table and they asked if we needed anything. One of the waiters saw that I had a glass bottle that needed to have the cap removed with a can opener and he asked if he could open it for me. He took it back with him and then brought it back without having to be asked. I guess the service took me by surprise because it feels like lately I've been to so many restaurants where the service has been crap. I went to one where I waited 15 minutes for someone to take our order and 35 minutes for my food. Another where the guy was just rude when taking our order. What can I say I enjoy good service.
So remember if you're ever in LA and in the mood for pizza, check out
1958 Hillhurst Ave, LA
7123 Melrose Ave, LA
(323) 906 8603